Coffee Time with Ally
Using a small corner of the world to share inspiration, creativity and fellowship about life while waiting for Christ’s return.
Uniquely designed clothing & items mostly themed around my faith. These are so much fun! There are faith related easter egg images on this site! Can you find them?
Books & Downloads
I am super excited to finally share books & poetry through what I’ve published & digital downloads
Coffee Time
Most of our designs are created around a story. I share those here along with topics in our Christian community that I find thought provoking or am studying.
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Coffee Time!
Christian T Shirt Designs: Jesus Lives! Will You?
My husband has wanted to create a Christian T Shirt design with the words "Jesus Lives! Will You?" for years. I've wanted to share my stories and poems for years. But it's been hard to get started. Brhian (prounounced Brian) has a brain injury. Life with a virtually...
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